Friday, May 15, 2009

Balance Your Swing

Can you turn the club loose with the middle three fingers and balance it on the thumb while gripping it with the little finger only at the top of the backswing? Are the shoulders turned enough so that the club is pointing toward your target? This is a valuable (it is only an exercise) designed to get the left thumb under the shaft so that the club will be balanced and ready for the hit.
If you aren’t getting the club back in the proper slot, correctly gripped, you will not be able to hold the club, let alone get it through the ball properly. Do not let it slip off. When you’ve succeeded in developing the balance as illustrated, re-grip, swing through and do the same at the top of the follow-through. Golf is played with the hands. Therefore, the right grip takes preference over anything. Most players ought to grip with the back three fingers of the left hand and the middle two of the right.
Some golfers have stated that they get the feel of the hit with the thumb and forefinger of the right, but usually they are seasoned golfers. If you are not so fortunate as to play a lot, try using the middle two fingers of the right hand as your pressure points. Once this is mastered, concentrate on developing rhythm and timing.

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