Friday, May 15, 2009

A Bucket of Balls

There is a great temptation for many amateurs to fan the clubhead open as they bring the clubhead away for the ball. It may add a few yards to some of your shots if you time it right but that won’t happen with any great consistency. The clubhead should really be square throughout the entire swing and your hands should not twist if you are to deliver a square clubface to the ball on a regular basis.
To do it right, take up your address position but instead of holding a golf club hold a bucket of range balls. (hold the bucket in front of you with both hands and hold the bucket straight up and down, not tilted) As you turn back to halfway keep the bucket straight up and down with the open end continuing to face upwards. None of the balls should fall out of the bucket. This represents a square clubface (back of hand facing in front of you). If you tilt the top forward the balls will obviously fall on to the ground. This represents a closed clubface (back of the left hand facing to the ground). If the balls fall out of the bucket behind you it means your hands have, in effect opened the clubface (back of the left hand facing the sky).
It is the same for the follow through. As you swing past the imaginary impact position a few balls may leak out of the bucket because of the acceleration in your swing. The top of the bucket continues to face upwards.
This drill demonstrates very well the relationship between the back of the left hand and the position of the clubface. At address the back of the left hand faces the target, halfway back it should face in front of you while halfway through it should face behind you.

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